This what i look
clear blue sky..
I'm fasting today,
class ended at 4 pm today,
so, got few hours left to break fasting..
Eza and pae was excited to do some throwing..
I join them after being force by pae..
go to near the SUKSIS house.
just next to our block..
while they were throwing,
I grab the chance to read "TUESDAY WITH MORRIE"
it happens that Dayah have it!
skii...dai skii~!
few moments later..
the dark cloud is nearing..theres small blue sky can be seen ..
KP is gloomy~.
raining start to pour..
bye bye outdoor...
cam celake gler nak mati nye gemok aku kelihatan di situ..tidaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk!!!!!!!~
help me!help me!!!
xnk makan!
truskan mrajuk dgn pak jamil..huhuhu~
haha..sori~..nak ak buang ke?
finally..selamat mmbaca =)
yup! finally~!
dah hbis baca pon..aku ngis seyh~!
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