My brothers..
and Bayah.
I need my drug sometimes,
when the tension is too much to handle,
when friends just an ease to pain..
The true remedy is the voices,
that too far away.
I need my drug but its not here.
Examination week never a carefree week.
never a plain week.
Tension arose highly that usual.
Usually, its what I called NORMAL, for student.
But, lately, is not normal anymore.
Certain subject this semester I took.
Really took my tension level to certain point I can't handle.
This is the time I find a way to ease it.
Tension is good to rush you to study more.
But, this is not that kind of tension. its distress.
bad stress.
Playing chuzzle while listening to the same song over and over again.
But, that's not the real remedy, the real drug that going to take this
negativity away.
I need one voice.
Listening to it is what I knew that can take it all away.
I finally realized it.
I just need that voice.
Voices of those I hold on strong since I was born.
But, I dont get that voices through out this examination week.
Through out this stressful week.
I don't get my remedy.
I don't get my DRUG.
p/s: Umai just called just now. Its nice to hear from him again.
My headache just gone away..





aku suka tjuk ko..hehe
i miss my mmama n abah too..
-puteri sengkuang melayu-
thats why i ym with my brother whenever he's on9..and talk to my mother b4 exam eventho i noe i'll be late for my exam..then rase cuak dowh..huhu
ur family look cool.
fadh: it too~
Putri: so sad..g la balik jumpa dorang..
dayah: family comes first, rite?
botak: terima kasih~!yup, they're cool~
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