Monday, March 22, 2010

While I was Rhyming

Waiting till things bloom,
while sitting here, worlds looks gloom,
Fond memories looping endlessly,
signs of stopping barely see,
cause don't want to forget whatever we've be.

Time and tide will fall,
Challenges and endurance might call,
sometimes we have to act like a doll,
whatever it is, stick together and victory will roll.

If only knew,
what is going trough,
feels what in others shoe,
Then, you know what should do.

Having a lover never enough,
Its not the true love,
Cause it might be a bluff,
Making hearts cry a pretended laugh.

late at night typing,
words that don't come out in speaking,
Read only by seeing,
More comfortable writing than saying.

I might be poetic,
but not pathetic,
Fingers dancing on letters if something tick,
Share for eyes that seek.

p/s: haha..mencabar vocab aku betul~!


Sakinah said...

ni tulisan brail ek???

~ainun~ said...

yg bawah tu braille la..

Anonymous said...

mcm bes jer..ko nk bljr mandarin ke braille?:D

~ainun~ said...

huhu..takde la..saja letak utuk pengetahuan kalian dan saya juga..

Anonymous said...


Try out this link;

Read few entries, you'll find it very funny and interesting.


~ainun~ said...

thanks.will check it out~!