Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Rant 2018-06-13

Tomorrow is the last day of Ramadhan.
How time flies soooo fast.

its already half of 2018.
Time passed so fast. This is what ive been feeling lately.

Is it bad to keep reminding yourself ? of the  time..
Keep looking back.

Once there was my friend, who was also one of my vendor, Chew.
He said.." thats your problem. You keep looking back. Go foward. Life must go on."
Maybe Im just afraid of missing out or missed something important happening in my life.

Im not really living in the moment if look at the day to day activities.
"so, make one."
Hmm. thats the problem.
I dont have one.

Im really comfortable with having simple life.
But yet again, why do I feel the way I feel right now?
" time flies so fast and what i have done with my life?".
To live a meaningful life.

"Human meant to struggle. to achieve more than its current state.its in their DNA."

Pen off for now.

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