dalam hidup..mesti kita akan ada satu..
perjalanan hidup seringkali buat aku berhenti sejenak dan terfikir, panjang....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
dalam hidup..mesti kita akan ada satu..
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Apa jadi kalu kita suka kat seseorang??(TOPIK 13THN KEATAS)
bnda nh tak terlepas jadi kat aku gak..
ye la..kta manusia..bkn malaikat yg tak tak dak nafsu..huhu
suka..mmg suka..
tp, rasa cm mainan perasaan ja..
bg aku, kalu kita tak pupuk perasaan tu, dye tak kan berkembang dan akan hilang..
sedikit demi sedikit..
so far..cm tu la aku...
sedaya upaya wat dek ja...
quote from hajar, my rumate..
walaupun kita tahu kebenarannya"
tapi..susah..kita jumpa tiap2 hri..kalu tak jumpa, mssege..SMS..
org tu dah dekat ngn kita..
kita nk tolak jauh2??
haa....this is messing my head...
dia cm na tah..
nk ckp kat kawan tu yg kita suka kt dye? ngaku?
nk ngaku kat dye tu berat sgt!
takut kena reject?dah la aku tak pernah wat bnda nh!
tapi..kalu dye pon sama cm kita...kan bgus gitu?
than never to have lost at all"?
nh dah tahap monolog dalaman nh..hahaha
hajar ckp lg..
" kalu dah sama2 suka..ok, tak pe. atleast sama2 tahu apa perasaan masing2. tak kapel pon tak pe."
yup! dats da point. aku tak biasa+gemar kapel!!!
just..hurm, nk thu dye ada perasaan yg sama ke tak..
huhu..kalu jd kawan2..cm lg best rasanya..ble lawak2 lg tnpa rasa kekok @ terlalu mnjaga hati..huhu
tapi..kalu dah sama2 tahu, tak ka nti ada sedikit rasa kekok???
akan kekok punya!
tapi, tak thu la betul ke tak..x pernah mgalaminya lagi..
normally, manuasia akn rasa kekok la..
""dye suka kat aku. boleh ka still friends??""
pergh! aku tak sanggup nk wat experiment nh...
kalu da kegkawan yg ada experience, oyak @ ckp la sama aku na..
based on true story, k?
jgn wat2 teori sendiri..huuuhuh
kesimpulan awalnya..
aku masih tak berani nk confront lg ngn feeling nh..
let time do it all..
cm aku ckp td..kalu tak pupuk, xkan jadi apa2..
that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks;
the ultimate, the last test and proof,
the work for which all other work is but preparation
- Rainer Maria Rilke-
You learn to speak by speaking,
to study by studying, to run by running,
to work by working;
and just so, you learn to love by loving.
All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves.
-Saint Francis de Sales-
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
you cant touch it,
but feel it..
its there.
aku suka.
rsa cm nk relex saja..
tak nak wat ape dah..
duduk kat kerusi kayu..
pejam mata...let the wind softly blowing to your face...
rasa cm masa jalan begitu lmbt skali...
Kenapa angin boleh bawa perasaan tu?
kenapa kita rasa relex ja bila angin sepoi2 bahasa nh...?
well, aku rasa cm tu.
Ciptaan Tuhan, kan.
kalu nk kaitkan dengan bio..
aku rasa..angin tu boleh nghasilkan isyarat kat otak untuk merembes hormon untuk menenangkan fikiran....
that's what i thought..
.just a mere theory...
p/s:tak leh duk lelama..assgmnt berlungguk kat ats..huhu
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
bnyk aksi..
aku g jenjalan JJ tebrau td..
tgk muvie underworld..
tp, sebenarnya, nk usha inkheart...cm best.
tp, majoriti nk tgk underworld..
ok.fine.aku mmg layan underworld..dulu pon duk ikot jugak..
yg 1 ngn 2 punya.
balik lmbt gak la..
dlm koi 1 AM, baru jejak kaki kat depan pondok U5..
kitaorang sewa keta sewa..
anas drive..
its been a long day..and..aku nk sambung wat titas..!
dah bnyk tertangguh ar!
risaw aku!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
comp akan hang apabila nk start.
tu la yg jadi kat aku..
walaupun dah bnyk kelas ngn en.zaha..+ general knowledge bhawa, jgn install antivirus lebih pada 1 dlm 1 pc(dsarankan) dan yg tak compatible antara 1 sama lain..
tapi, dsebabkan darah muda yg ingin mencuba...
aku wat jugak.
dan hasilnya..
no laptop these week.
jadi...laptop sue lah mangsanya...
sori sue!!!!!!!
mgadap laptop is addictive~!
jadi..aku dah tak taw nk wat pa..
suma assgmnt kena guna laptop...
Programming, HCI, Graphic, TITAS!!! cm na nk siapkan assgmnt nh!! dah la suma kena submit lepas CNY...................!
aduh..hidup tnpa laptop....aku akan jaga ngn baik lepas nh!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
mmg lengang betullah blok U5 hri nh..
aku tdo ja sepnjg hari..
ptg tuh..g bilik sue..tgk2 dia outing..g cari klinik gg.
gigi dye sakit..dah lama tahan tuh..sian..
anis kuar ngn aryf..
hajar balik umah..
pae pon dah balik......................................................................
laptop...awak ja la kawan baik saya...*sedih*(wawawaaaaaa...!)
duk lepak bilik sue sambil men latop dye sekrg nh..tgu dye balik..pae pesan, kunci pintu kalu nk balik.
aku lepak bilik dye sbb view dr tgkap dye cantik..bulih tgh matahari terbenam..
Subbahanallah~ kiiree....
nmpk awan yg besar memanjang..sikit2 menutup matahari..
sinar mthari yg mnyelit skit2 dcelah awan, menaikkan lg seri awan..
hahahaha*aku dah mengarot*(special thanks kpd Sifu Mas Rogi aka Os aka Ajim)
dats ol for the sabishi part...
k la..nk balik bilik aku dah..dah lmbt dgt tgu sue nh..
tp, aku nk tgk sampi hbis awan nh..cantik...ngn angin bertiup sepoi2 bhsa...
dah mcm duk tepi pntai..
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Terbuka kepada Ex-KMP..
kalu berminat dan tak ada apa2 aktiviti dari 7 -17 Mei 2009,
sila lah ke alamat http://www.kmp.matrik.edu.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=260&Itemid=1 .....
ini utk upload borang dan megetahui lebih lanjut ttg perkara ini.
sekian, harap maklum!
Kpd Ex2 AJKO batch aku...
join arrr lagi...sian aku tak dapat join, clash ngn Khidmat Masyarakat..huhu
next year mmg aku nk join ar..!!!
semlm, aku rasa cm tu la..
dah la bilik tgkat 8 nh sejuk..aku gigil2 jugak la.
ntah la. nh la 1st tyme jadi cm tu.
yg gigil tu aku tak phm.aku siap pki swaeter + selimut + baju tgn pnjg cotton yg tebal tu.
nh angkara aku nk tnya soklan cepumas kat sorang membe tersayang aku nh.
seb bek dah setel..tapi tak terjwab sgt la soklan aku tuh.
Let it be for a while..4 a while...
p/s: kepada kamu, aku agak myesal ckp yg "truth to be told..aku lg lega kalu ang ckp ang jeles lawak2 ja....", not my real intention really.aku just takot ar.huhu
last2..mmg tak terjun la KLCC tu, aku trun naik lif ja..hehe
Thanks Ijat!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Night's out!
apa nk bwat kalu bwink..
tak larat nk ngadap laptop...
x mahu terperuk dlm bilik ja...
dan lg 1, x nk wat aktiviti yg memenatkan...
pe lg..jenjalan g azah waktu mlm la...
tu la yg aku bwat sebntar td...
bwink arr hri nh..ada marathon, tp, tu ptg td...
mlm nh..cm tak tahu nk wat pa ..padahal HW ngn assgmnt blambak..haha
Ahad masih ada...hahaha
dlm ja 12.05 tgh mlm...aku ajak sue g azah..jenjalan amik angin mlm...
sejuk la..aku pakai sweater panjang aku tuh...
then, palnning nk lepak dataran U4 sbb bwink nk blik bilik trus...
beli konyit2 kat azah + jus manggo..
lepak la km kat dataran U4 tu..sambil tu text hajar ngn pae..swuh trun skali.
diorang turun, km borak2 pasai mcm2..gelak pon dah cm x kisah owg sekeliling. dah tdo kot.
bnyk la crita lucu dr mereka nh..hahahahaha..
aku berbaring...tgk bintang..bnyk pulak bintang mlm nh...*****************
then, berakhir sesi berposing, amik gamba...hehe..
kira bintang!
aku suka bila cm nh..
cm..relaxing la..
dye akan jd sweet memory.
dai skii!!!!
A walk of Perdana's Superzzz~
dah habis streching....masa untuk LARI!!!
km lalu u7-azah-ktc bahagian bawah, lalu dewan dye-pusing- masuk KTC bahagian atas-s40
yg laki pon dah potong pompuan..hehe
husin! dpt jugak dye pakai jersi nh!!
tahniah husin!!!
sub zero 00..jersi hoki SUKAM tuh!
mcm na da gamba Wong Fung Ring?
aku jalan ngn dye sepnjang marathon tu..hehe
mula2 lari la..dah lama2 jalan..
hehehe...kalu kamera high speed + anti blur+penstabil..boleh la..
gamba nset NK 6600 milik hajar si rumate ja.
dah lari...
yg nh sesudah lari~~~~
bajet muka penat..huhu
mereka yg benar2 penat berlari~~
WERE COMING PAK JAMIL!!!kengkawan, serbUUU!!
aku=ayam special
kiri-zai, nik, ejat
mereka yg x join sbb..hurm...
undefined.lupa nk tnya.
tp, alasan mereka sgt kukuh.aku pasti!
aku-dlm cermin, aja -dluar cermin
bnyak pix pada ckp2..kan? let the pix speak for itself, rite?
last but not least, below is author(me) n sue...hehe...
aku yg biru..sue yg hitam..hehe
kaler tudung laaaa!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
aku simpan lg kotak dye..cntik sgt!!
dah la harga pon berpatotan..boxes cm nh..range dlm RM3.20-RM4.48...
ok la kalu nk bagi kat member2 tersayang..x sampai 5 ringgit pon!!! dah la sedap n berkualiti!
cm ada standard gitu! boleh kalah ferrero tuh! *diibaratkan laa*
and they are very..VERY delicious!
go and try it guys and girls!!!!
thanks to pae..for introducing it to me when we were shopping at JJ Taman U yesterday..
so, support our local product! since lots of thing we need to boycott..
so, need sumthing delicious, sweet and local + NOT an Israel @ America's product?
Go and try BERYL'S!!!
below are From The Star Online, covering on the Beryl's Chocolate.
Sunday November 4, 2007
Choc-ful of goodness
HAVE you ever wondered how it feels to be in a chocolate factory?
Scenes from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will surely pass through your mind the moment you see the two magical words – chocolate and factory.
Beryl’s Chocolate Factory gives the opportunity for everyone to be a part of that craze, except that there are no magical candies or drinks or teleportation machines but visitors get a 5% discount on all products at the showroom, including the merchandises.
Beryl’s chocolate factory is a Malaysian brand and it has successfully penetrated markets in other Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and Macau. It recently entered the Dubai market.
There are over 70 different types of chocolates under this brand and they include flavours such as Almond, Butterscotch, Peanut Butter, Raisin, Dark Chocolate, Mint, Tiramisu, Strawberry, and a lot more.
The hot items currently in the market are the Durian and Chilli flavoured ones.
Believe it or not, the Durian-flavoured chocolates are a bigger hit in Taiwan than in Malaysia and 50% of the chocolate production is exported.
Its assistant marketing executive Nor Zeehan Rosle says that organisations and societies interested in making field trips there are welcome to join in the fun.
“We will be giving them a grand tour of the factory and our tour guides will assist them in case they are lost or have any questions.
“You need not worry about language barriers as we have guides who can speak in Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay or English,” Zeehan adds. However, you need to make the appointment earlier as they do not entertain last minute calls.
“This is because we need time to arrange everything, from the video room to the demonstration room, to the workers to make sure that there will be sufficient help to accommodate the number of visitors,” Zeehan explains.
In addition, there is a limit to the number of visitors for each tour of the factory.
“If you come with a few friends, then we might put you together with other visitors to fill the quota for each tour.”
Do not expect too much from this factory as the purpose of the visit is mainly educational and to show how chocolates are made.
But there’s good news in the offing as from next year visitors will be given the opportunity to make chocolates themselves and take them home.
“Initially we wanted to allow visitors to join in the fun of making the chocolates but found that we were not ready yet to include that in the agenda.
“However, rest assured that next year we will launch the do-it-yourself room where visitors can get a hands-on experience of how these sweet treats are made,” Zeehan says.
The factory is located at No.2, Jalan Raya 7/1, Kawasan Perindustrian Seri Kembangan, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
For more information, call 03-8943 6136 or e-mailberyls@berylschocolate.com. Alternatively, log on towww.berylschocolate.com.my.
Membuat rutin Harian~~
terbgn lmbat..
cam biasa..
bgn2 mandi....
wat rutin harian..check email..kemas meja..basuh baju...
pastu duduk depan laptop..
bkk ym ngn skype....check email....
kalu ada comment kat FS @ MS..reply jap..
dah tu...
bukak blog...ada commnt or not....klu ada replykan....
pastu..tgai laptop terbukak...g jenjalan bilik sue + pae!!!hehehehehe
im so happy...
suka sgt!!!!
sssggggt2 suka..!
thanks to faiz.... www.friendster.com/Ghucy ...
faiz nh..keje wat coding utk wat background music...
nh blog dye.. www.fullmusik.co.cc
dye dah letak lagu happiness tu..sgt2 suka..
big thanks to him..!
so, u guys..enjoy la..
this one is korean language version lyric..
[HAN GENG] Geuruhn nuhneun mwuhya nal ijuhdduhn guhya
[LEETEUK] Jigeum nae noonesuhn noonmool heulluh baeshingam
[SHINDONG] Nuhl chajagalgga saenggakhaessuh
[EUNHYUK] Nan nan jal moreugessuh
[SHINDONG] Ee sesangi dolgoinneun jigeum
[EUNHYUK] Nan nuh bakke uhbji
[SHINDONG] Halmaree uhbsuh gal soodo uhbsuh
[EUNHYUK] Noonmooldo uhbsuh neukkimdo uhbsuh
[SHINDONG] Ne ape suh inneun nal barabwa
[EUNHYUK] Nuhl wihae sarainneun nal
[DONGHAE] Yaksokdwen shigani wassuhyo geudae ape issuhyo
dooryuhwoome woolgo ijjiman
[SIWON] Noonmooreul dakkajoouhssuhyo geuddae nae
sonjabajjyo iruhnalguhya
[LEETEUK] Hamkke haejoon geudae ege haengbogeul
[SUNGMIN] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok
geudael chajajjyo nareul balkhyuhjooneun bichi boyuh yuhngwuhnhan
[KANGIN] Haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na
boinayo nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudaegyuhte
[RYEOWOOK] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae hamkkehaeyo
geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee
[HEECHUL] Hanbuhndo nan nuhreul ijuh bonjuhk uhbsuh
Ojik geudaemaneul saenggakhaenneunguhl
[KIBUM] Geuruhn nuhneun mwuhya nal ijuhdduhn guhya
[YESUNG] Nae noonesuhn noonmool heulluh baeshingam
[SUNGMIN] Yaksokdwen shigani wassuhyo geudae ape issuhyo
dooryuhwoome woolgo ijjiman
[KANGIN] Noonmooreul dakkajoouhssuhyo geuddae nae sonjabajjyo iruhnalguhya
[EUNHYUK] Hamkke haejoon geudae ege haengbogeul
[DONGHAE] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok geudael chajajjyo nareul balkhyuhjooneun bichee boyuh yuhngwuhnhan
[LEETEUK] Haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na boinayo
nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudaegyuhte
[YESUNG] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae hamkkehaeyo
geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee
[HEECHUL] Juh parangsaedeuri juhnhaejooneun haengbogiraneun guh
[RYEOWOOK] Neul woori gyuhte gakkai inneunguhjyo
[ALL] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok geudael chajajjyo nareul
bichi boyuh
Yuhngwuhnhan haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na
boinayo nareul boolluhjwuhyo
Uhnjerado geudae maeumeul yuhruh boayo apen naega issuhyo
Nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudae gyuhte
[RYEOWOOK] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae
[ALL] Hamkkehaeyo geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee
this one its the English translation.
I've never ever forgotten you
I've only thought of you
Then what are you? Have you forgotten me?
Tears of deceit are falling from my eyes
Should I look for you? I thought about it
I I don't really know
As this world turns
I only have you
I've got no words to say I can't do it anyway
I have no tears I have no feelings
I'm standing in front of you look at me
The boy who lived right behind you
The promised time has come
I'm in front of you
Though I'm crying in fear
You wiped my tears
You took my hand
It will happen
This happiness together
I paint you with my eyes closed
I found you in my heart
I can see the revealing light
We can't lose a chance at eternal happiness
Can you see me?
Please call me to your side
It will happen
I love you
Let's do it together with you forever
I've never ever forgotten you
I've only thought of you
Then what are you? Have you forgotten me?
Tears of deceit are falling from my eyes
The promised time has come
I'm in front of you
Though I'm crying in fear
You wiped my tears
You took my hand
It will happen
This happiness together
I paint you with my eyes closed
I found you in my heart
I can see the revealing light
We can't lose a chance at eternal happiness
Can you see me?
Please call me to your side
It will happen
I love you
Let's do it together with you forever
The message of happiness
That those green birds bring
Stays close in our hearts
I paint you with my eyes closed
I found you in my heart
I can see the revealing light
We can't lose a chance at eternal happiness
Can you see me?
You can call me whenever you need
Open up your mind
I'm in front of you
Please call me to your side
It will happen
I love you
Let's do it together with you forever