Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Untitled 2010

new year..2010.
gladly to be alive. still alive. Alhamdulillah~

this sem just started back 4 weeks ago.

start noticing that we have jump to a new year when
to write the date..
is not 24/12/09, but, 4/01/10.
its has changed.

ow, already 21.
but surrounding by friends,
Feel like in school.
Secondary school.
just with lots of assignments and no uniform.

New year celebrated with marking the lap of runners in
a marathon .
First time being a volunteer in Unit Sukan Event.
Job: mark how many lap does assigned runner has completed.
the marathon is about how many lap you can do in 1 Hour.
I'm, runners number 16-20..
the 0020 runner get 2nd place.
Done 14 lap in 1 hour.

what a healthy way to greet the new year.

p/s: Addict to Love Revolution more and more.
Start to watch my fair lady 2009 ( korean drama) given by ejat.
but, a bit busy,just got chance watching 2 episodes in a week..


aming said...

igt ke mu yg berlari..hahaha

kurungmelayu said...

eh non..mlm tuh de gerhane bulan gak r..

aming said...

ye jat..tiba2 ak jwb...hahaha..ekpom enon lmbat sgt reply..

~ainun~ said...

yela2..aku dah jarang2 bukak nh..tu yg lmbt..
apaom, terima kasih krn sudi menjawab penyataan ejat di atas..

a'a..aku nmpak gerhana tu kt pdg tapak..

aku tak lari ar meng,,tgk org lari ja..