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Wonder Girls's song malaysia version?
Big Bang's song malaysia version?
no,never had...right..????????
now Super Junior has take another step to reach their fans and break down the language barrier by introducing their 3rd Album song "Sorry, Sorry" in Malaysia Version!!!
Well, I cant wait!
p/s: got this from Sue who more addicted to Suju than me.
Suminnie loves pink!! hahahaha
hehe.. suju 100X !!!
ainun, hang post jg kt blog rupanye.. hehe.. ak da happy sgt ni.. xsbr2 nk tnggu =)
loves suju more and more...
sue + sungminnie = sueminnie ^^
rmai nya group dia...
kagum sy...
saba sue~ saba..huhu
nik: tu la..ramai dan swwet sgt!hehehe
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