Friday, April 17, 2009

tagged by eyka!!! panjang dowh!!!

Whats your name?
-siti ainun basyirah mohamad~

When is your birthday?
- 27 feb

How do you feel right now?
- ok, fine, relax but waiting~

What did you do on your birthday last year?
- celebrate kat kelas Mdm Chong ngn suprise party oleh clazmates~

What about this year?
- celebrate dengan coursemate..kena tembak ngn pistol air..~

How do you relax?
- hurm..solat hajat, mintak ketenangan..~

Whats your favorite book?
- so far, dun have~

Who was the last person to text you?
- ejat aka bawang tanya sama ada nak demo COA ke tak~

What about call you?
- hajar, masa kat JJ semalam, tanya ada kat mana~

Who was your last ex?
- never have~

Have you ever been drunk?
- tak pernah. mabuk laut pon tak pernah

What did you wear last halloween?
-tak sambut

When did you last cry?
-last week..tension stdy..biasa la..musim nak, dah ok~

Are your parents still together?
- no.divorce when I was standard 2..its been 12 years already.

Who did you last argue with?
-Miza.pasai syaza~

What time did you go to bed last night?
- lepas waktu subuh..masa matahari mula memancarkan sinarnya~

Who is your best friend?
- many~

'Do you bite your nails?
- no~

What about toe nails?
- no

What are your hobbies?
- macam-macam, according to what suitable on that time~

Have you ever watched the sun set? sue's room~

Where did last vacation to?
-no vacation

Whats your hair color?
-dark brown~

What are you wearing?
- track and T

Do you wear makeup?
- not yet

Do you get hayfever?

What music are you into?
- according to mood

Have you ever been out with your best friend’s ex?
-never had ex, so, no best friend's ex.

Ever sneak out of your house?
- no

What did you do today?
- Demo COA, makan k-teow hong kong dan jus tembikai, stdy SE~

What are you doing tomorrow?
- amik gambar AJK blok dan Usahawan, stdy, jogging ngn sue, InsyaAllah~

Whats the last thing you ate?
- jus tembikai~

Are you a forgiving person?
- yes~

Are you mad at anyone right now?
- ada, tapi tak marah sgt..biasa2 saja

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
- hajar, miza, pae~

Ever had a garage sale?
- no

What is/was your school like?
- besar, banyak pokok~

Describe your best friend?
- macam-macam ada~

Do you like your partner’s family?
- no partner

When did you last smile and why?
- the last 2 seconds while reading this question

Have you ever cheated in a test?
- yes, PJK

Are you scared of falling in love?
- yes, scared of broken heart

Have you ever felt replaced?
- yes

Do you trust your friends?
- yes

Do you like coffee?
- minum jugak~

Have you had kids?
- no~

If not, do you want them?
- a'a~

Are you brainy
- dont know~

What was the last film you watched?
- fast furious 4

Whats the time?
- waktu makan~

How old are you going to be in 7 months?
- 20 years old

Was yesterday better then today?
- no...a bit dissappointed~

When did you last see your mum?
- last 5 months..i never go back since start 2nd sem~

Your dad?
- last 10 years

Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
- dont have~

Do you smile often?
- dont know

Do you collect anything?
- can tab~

Can you remember your dreams?
- seldom

Do they come true?
- yes

Who would you kill right now if you could?
- no one~

Where were you 4 hours ago?
- dalam bilik, atas katil~

What song describes your life right now?
- not found yet

Whats your biggest regret?
- far so good

Whats your body type?
- lebar~

Do you have any scars?
- ada

What from?
- cut from blade, demam campak, jatuh, jerawat~

What pets do you have?
- ikan emas..dah mati...kucing..dah lari & abang buang

Where do you get your music from?
- download, membe2~

Your most recent lie
- recently?..hurm..aa...dun remember

A lie you tell yourself
-"Tak mengapa..tido dulu, nanti dah bgn, boleh stdy balik"..hampeh..akan terlajak tido jugak~

You are embarrassed when you
- terjatuh di khalayak ramai, dapat markah rendah

The memory that still makes you laugh
- lots..lots of them

How you picture the end of the world
- I cant say...but, It not going to be a good picture